Mood Swings – Is your family member more irritable and “on the edge?”
– Are there unaccounted expenditures?
Charges for pornography are no longer obvious. If you see some charges on your accounts that
are unfamiliar, research the companies.
They may be a generic billing company used for gambling or pornography.
Increased Isolation – Does your family member consistently have a lot
of unaccounted for time? Are there increased late-night hours on the computer?
Are there signs of withdrawal from the family?
Relationship – Have you noticed a significant or even subtle change in your
physical, emotional or social relationship? Does your loved one seem
increasingly disconnected from the family?
– Does your loved one seem less interested in spiritual things? Do they procrastinate getting a temple
recommend renewed or are resistant to temple attendance altogether? Are they more reluctant than usual to
participate in spiritual based activities such as family prayer?
(***More information on signs of addiction at: http://combatingpornography.org/cp/eng/spouses/recognize/article/does-my-spouse-have-a-pornography-problem)
Make good and
appropriate media choices.
Use well-
researched filters on the computers.
Spend plenty
of quality time with children.
Limit the
amount of time children watch media.
Do not have
TVs and computers in a private place (bedrooms, etc.).
Hold family
councils and discuss pornography at an early age to talk about the dangers and addiction
that can occur.
Teach children
about healthy sexuality.
Ensure your
public library protects against exposure to pornography. Most do not.
See Resources
RESOURCES –We strongly encourage you to explore all these sites. Each is
uniquely valuable in combating addiction.
Family Services Addiction Recovery Program: http://www.providentliving.org/familyservices/strength
In The Light: http://www.outinthelight.com/ (an amazing site;
go to Resources tab and choose “Ask the Experts”).
Accountability Program: http://www.covenanteyes.com/ (the report function is the key
to this amazing filter)
Parents Guide to Internet Safety (excellent!): http://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/publications/parent-guide
of video game addiction: http://www.tellinitlikeitis.net/2008/11/video-game-addiction-symptoms-and-treatment-of-video-game-addiction.html and http://www.video-game-addiction.org/symptoms-computer-addiction-teens.html
site for evaluating movies for content before you and your family watch
them: http://www.kids-in-mind.com/