Wise Stewards

Wise Stewards

Tithing: Foundation of Provident Living

“The foundation of provident living is the law of the tithe. The primary purpose of this law is to help us develop faith in our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. Tithing helps us overcome our desires for the things of this world and willingly make sacrifices for others.”

Robert D. Hales, “Becoming Provident Providers Temporally and Spiritually,” Ensign, May 2009, 9

Start giving regularly

Over 250 scriptures that have to do with money…must mean money matters are pretty important if found thru-out scriptures

1. Payment of tithes ---Fast – double it, promised blessings, testimony

2. Both husband and wife-honesty

3. ‘Track’ or journal like a diet-- “wealth” watchers –count dollars like calories- smart phone app – trying to save and have one??? L

4. Establish between needs and wants.

"Avoid the philosophy and excuse that yesterday's luxuries have become today's necessities. They aren't necessities unless we ourselves make them such. . . . It is essential for us to live within our means."

Thomas S. Monson, "Constant Truths for Changing Times," Ensign, May 2005, 20

How serious are we?

Make a lifelong promise to ourselves to spend less money than we earn. –That’s non-negotiable- automatic saving with less spent

Just about everything else we will discuss falls into the category

of spending less that we earn.. Spending less than we earn is the key to finances which are at peace, and is the most important lesson when it comes to personal finance. We can do everything else right, but if we spend more money than we earn – we will not be in a good financial position. Cut our Expenses

Start an Emergency Fund-sell stuff if necessary- it’s for emergencies

Pay off all consumer debts---realize that the Jones are in debt- your flashy neighbor has a flashy debt of an avg of nearly 16K

Avoid it to begin with Psalms 37:21 “The wicked borroweth, and payeth not again: but the righteous sheweth mercy and giveth”

Proverbs 22:7 says “The rich ruleth over the poor and the borrower is servant to the lender”.—With no debt, money finds itself.

Choices – all about – tithing and word of wisdom- if you are doing these things, you are set-up for success

Malachi 3:10

10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.


Shop with menu for week

Base groceries around flyer

Use 3 month pantry supply

Coupon strategy

Popcorn vs. chips…bag of potatoes…

Plan leftovers


Garden – someone else till/plant your land – use your water – share in harvest

Simplify RS meals




Canning/pressure canning/food saver

Crock pot

Dinner half price..entertainment book, groupon

Restaurants…order take out from and no tips

Cooking self

Don’t take anyone shopping with you

PBJ in the trunk instead of quick drive thrus

Drink more water

Cut back convenience foods

Quadruple casseroles

Price comparisons

Eat breakfast

Eat less meat/live off garden

Group buys – esp. preparedness


Condense trips

Best cost cutting tool is a good nights sleep

A coupon isnt’ a reason to go shopping

Shop with cheapskates

The sales rep is not your friend

Write a list before you go shopping

“you can go broke by saving money”

Customer rewards programs

‘shop’ for everything…online great tool

Don’t take anyone shopping with you- and never go for entertainment purposes – you will buy something

Use Ebates when shopping online

Simplify your wardrobe-look at wardrobe as a whole

Insurance rates

Shop right after season

Shop when no one else wants to…bad weather/season good time to buy house

Jewelry from discounter

Skip dry cleaning clothes

No brand names

, “Is _______ really necessary?” or “Can I get ______ cheaper somewhere?”

30 day rule/ten second rule

Repair clothes

Yard sales- take care

Buy staples in bulk

Sales on what you NEED


Compare Rates For Utilities & Other Services

Bundle services

Examine bills


Get rid of your land line

Saving energy –light bulbs, thermostat, appliances

Maintenance run on appliances

Streamline cell

Air seal home

Surge protector


Used cars/efficient


Clean air filter

No tickets

Slow acceleration


More time as a family

Board games

Hike/walk instead of dinner out

Library – no magazine subscriptions

Turn off the tv- no guilt, comparison, low self esteem, less electricity, yuck, focus on other things


Collections- critical eye

Invite friends over instead of out

Swap books/dvds

Don’t spend money entertaining kids

Video games with lot of replay value-buy used

Don’t spend money on de-stress

Cancel cable

Cut down vacation spending


Keep your hands clean- saves med, time

Generic everything


Exercise more


Skip the gym

You can get much cheaper access to a gym AND use it too!! Sign up for a class at a local community college (as little as $35 a semester). Then, use your ID to work out at the community college gym. That is a lot better than the $30-$40 a month most gyms charge.

Exercise more -health

School sports vs. community sports

Cancel memberships


Buying used stuff always saves money

Sell stuff

Live in smaller home –just because someone will lend it doesn’t mean you should borrow it—consider tithe as expense when determining mortg. Qualification

Buy a used/more efficient car

Haircuts/coloring-do it yourself


Use PerkStreet Financial‘s Cash-Back Debit Card

My PerkStreet 2% cash-back debit card

Switch to credit union

Negotiate your better rate on credit

Simplify your bill paying process- do online and save stamps, envelopes, time (mine is worth min $40 per hr)

Do a budget

Use online banking – check every day like your email

Create a balance sheet

Organize bank accounts

Automatic savings transfer

Do your own taxes – use turbo tax

Hide credit cards


Pay off all consumer debts- only if we have $

Save every raise

Every b-day check your weight and check your credit score….one you want up and the other down…if good, keep the same

Pay bills on time

Don’t worry about deals when applying for credit cards

Credit cards – keep usage down, but good raises score

Do employers matched 401K

Pay off house early

Investing in you- what is your true hourly wage

Career goals

Get/make a will

Get term life insurance

Start saving for children’s college -- wouldn’t do this until I had my debt paid off and had a head start on saving for retirement. Your kids can take a loan out for college, but the only loan you can get for retirement is on a credit card and that seems a bit foolish to me

Find out about all job benefits

Stock like job – less aggressive investing, job security

What’s the worse that could happen and can you take that risk

If there’s a bandwagon to jump on – don’t – its usually too late by that time

Big numbers make people do stupid things

Exercise more discipline and discernment – which requires us to be worthy of that still small voice!!!

Regarding Investing

Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said, “There are no shortcuts to financial security. Do not trust your money to others without a thorough evaluation of any proposed investment. Our people have lost far too much money by trusting their assets to others. In my judgment, we will never have balance in our lives unless our finances are securely under control” (“Keeping Life’s Demands in Balance,” Ensign, May 1987, 13).




Skip greetings cards with gifts or period

New plan- 3 gifts, homemade, dollar limit

Set aside for gifts /vacation $ before you go/buy

Simplify work- usually saves money- in all areas whether it be holidays or church service

Give service



Give up expensive habits- nails, be grateful for that which we don’t have to give up -W of W

Huge list – not complete – but may have generated some ideas of your own.

One idea is that we may need to make more money! If you have no income to make basic needs like keeping a roof over your head, driving a non-clunker car, eat what you want, take occasional vacation or even staycation, and save a decent chunk…you may very well be miserable. And on another note, If all your basic needs have been met, more $ will not make you happier.

If time…at home biz….prt time, subtract costs- may be able to find ways to save to come close to the income and the cost of having it; discipline may be the key; at home dry clners alterations/repairs; daycare; home party biz (unpredictable income) ; house cleaning- school hours, economy affected- could do with a friend.

Choose one or two…commit to that which you can do and have FAITH

Daily reminder/inspiration/--put it where it can be seen.

Don’t beat yourself up when you make a mistake.

Always look ahead.

Never give up.

"One of the better ways to simplify our lives is to follow the counsel we have so often received to live within our income, stay out of debt, and save for a rainy day. We should practice and increase our habits of thrift, industry, economy, and frugality. Members of a well-managed family do not pay interest; they earn it."

L. Tom Perry, "Let Him Do It with Simplicity, Ensign," Nov. 2008,9

Elder Robert D. Hales video presentation: